School Timings


The compulsory school day runs from 8.40am to 3.10pm, totalling 32.5 hours each week.

8:30 am Gates open - children go straight to their classrooms
8:40 am Registration & school starts
10.40 am - 11.00 am Break time - children can bring a healthy snack: fruit, vegetables or dried fruit
    12:00 pm - 1:00 pm Lunch
     3:10 pm School ends


Breakfast club is open from 7:30 am. To book your child a place, please contact the school office. 

School Timings


The compulsory school day runs from 8.40am to 3.10pm, totalling 32.5 hours each week.

8:30 am Gates open - children go straight to their classrooms
8:40 am Registration & school starts
10.40 am - 11.00 am Break time - children can bring a healthy snack: fruit, vegetables or dried fruit
    12:00 pm - 1:00 pm Lunch
     3:10 pm School ends


Breakfast club is open from 7:30 am. To book your child a place, please contact the school office. 

School Timings


The compulsory school day runs from 8.40am to 3.10pm, totalling 32.5 hours each week.

8:30 am Gates open - children go straight to their classrooms
8:40 am Registration & school starts
10.40 am - 11.00 am Break time - children can bring a healthy snack: fruit, vegetables or dried fruit
    12:00 pm - 1:00 pm Lunch
     3:10 pm School ends


Breakfast club is open from 7:30 am. To book your child a place, please contact the school office.