Teacher Curriculum Responsibilities

Area Person

Mrs A Lee & Mr R Khunti

Mr N Patel (Deputy Lead)


Mrs D Pancholi

Miss R Taylor (Deputy Lead)


Miss S Qureshi

Mr Y Makda (Deputy Lead)

Science Miss A Ramesh
Foundation Curriculum
Mrs L Kitchen

Mr N Patel

Mr P Banham (Deputy Lead)

Physical Education Mr C Duffin & Mr S Feroz
New to English & Phonics

Mrs A Sharma

Mrs J Blackwood (Deputy Phonics Lead)

Geography Mrs Zair

Miss R Taylor

Mrs D Pancholi (Deputy Lead)

History Mrs S Rai
Religious Education Mr R Morgan
French Ms R Turner
Music Mrs S Parr

Mrs N Ord

Mr S Brazier (Deputy Lead)

Design and Technology

Mrs L Jones

Pupil Leadership Team Mr J Taylor & Miss R Taylor
PSHE / RSE / SMSC Mr R Khunti